During high school, if I wasn’t in class, I was at robotics. I spent my freshman and sophomore years on FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) Team 4950, and my junior and senior years on FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) Team 2473 (The Goldstrikers). As a member of the hardware/mechanical team all four years, I had the opportunity to develop skills designing mechanisms, machining and testing components, and writing documentation. Along the way, I picked up some other roles, taking (thousands!) of photographs, giving presentations—including organizing one for over 200 elementary school students—and writing grant letters.

Below are some pictures of our robots! More can be found on CHSR’s flickr page.

2012-13: FTC Ring it Up


2013-14: FTC Block Party

2013-14 Robot

Summer 2014: Aerial Assist

Summer 2014 Robot

2014-15: Recycle Rush

2014-15 Robot

2015-16: FIRST Stronghold

2015-16 Robot